Why am I here ?

This blog will be comprised of my rantings on what I believe some of the worlds problems are/will be . I'm no physic by any stretch of the imagination but that doesn't mean I lack the ability to project into the future . In other words , I put the pieces of the puzzle together......or at least attempt to .

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Follow the bouncing ball

....So , now there's all this hub bub about whether banks will proceed with these massive foreclosures . Well no matter what route is taken I believe the situation will continue to decline . Let me explain why I believe this . If people feel that there is no longer a need to pay their mortgage's then suddenly all the people that were depending on that money stream are screwed (maybe rightly so) On the other hand  , owing more on your home than what it is actually worth just seems ridiculous . Personally  , If people opt to just say "$#%k it !" and not pay , I wouldn't blame them at all .

Monday, October 18, 2010

Well , as you can see , this is in the very infancy at the moment . Hopefully I'll get the motivation to get this up and running......